• What is the most authentic, efficient action

    I can take to move forward?

    Find out here.

  • Courage & Clarity

    for your next Authentic Action

    Hi, I'm Shani.

    If you're ready to restore forward motion to your life, relationship or business,

    you're in the right place.

    I help people find courage and clarity in themselves

    so they can move forward.

    There are two ways I do this:

    The Actionable Newsletter

    My free newsletter features simple actions you can take to get the results you want.

    Think of this as `"better life posture" tips and questions to improve the way you move through life.

    General tips for everyone.

    Based on my work with clients who have gotten what they wished for.

    Join the 2000+ subscribers who read my newsletter here.

    Private Coaching

    Pinpoint authentic actions that will exactly what you need to do to get what you

    This is like personalized adjustment advice from a yoga instructor to get you in better alignment - but for your life, relationship or business.

    I help you define and articulate your purpose and values so you can align with them.

    This inner alignment is powerful natural leverage. It increases ease of movement (less suffering!) and allows you to accomplish more.

    It's a way over the ridge and out of the loop.

    Onward and upward, with courage and clarity.

    Result: You'll get where you're going while staying true to yourself.

    See what situations I've helped 300+ clients with here.

  • What You'll Get

    from my Purpose & Values-Based Approach


    Your words, distilled for ultimate clarity and precision and confirmed by you, are the direct source and foundation of our work together. They have the advantage of being a native resource; not externally-created categories or labels.


    People take years searching for their life's purpose or their values...and are not always able to articulate them succintly. I can help you find these elements in a matter of hours, thanks to a series of simple and direct questions that reveal your Authenticity.


    Being truly seen, heard, and accepted as the best, truest version of yourself not only feels great, but is a catalyst for bringing Authenticity to all Actions and Interactions.


    See how easy it is to answer your question once your Purpose & Values are clear.


    Stable over time, your Purpose & Values will hold true even years from now. If anything, they become even clearer.

    Once this work is done, you've laid the groundwork, you can benefit from Alignment sessions and Tuning Points as often as you wish.


    Put simply, the approach works. Things change for my clients after just one Alignment session, because they see things in a new way, because they can embody a role in a new way, because they can move forward with a confidence that only authenticity can confer. Alignment feels great! And so do results.


    A space where you are able to truly be yourself and just be a human on Earth, appreciated in your uniqueness. Masks and artifice are not necessary here.

    Relief & Joy of Authenticity

    A space where you are able to truly be yourself and just be a human on Earth. Masks and artifice are not necessary here. How refreshing to be appreciated in your uniqueness!